Spicing It Up: Drop that Pearl
This article is a snippet of the monthly Newsletter from The Perspective. Subscribe to not miss all the excitement
When used right, Jewellery can elevate your everyday outfit. For some reason, I used to associate pearl earrings with old people who live in retirement homes. However, I realized that pearls not set as studs but pearls as drop earrings are quite beautiful and versatile for many occasions. I definitely do think that it should be something in your working girl jewelry box. It is another one of those items that is low effort but high reward and makes you look put together. Unless you are balling on a big budget, Mejuri or Amazon has some affordable drop pearl earrings.
This article is a snippet of the monthly Newsletter from The Perspective. Subscribe for more and join an incredible community of women and allies. Through every monthly newsletter, we will work through all the challenges we face from navigating office politics to taking care of ourselves physically and mentally while working a demanding job.